Pengendalian Kualitas Proses Pengemasan Gula Karung Menggunakan Metode Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Rizaldi Sardani, Devi Faradila, Suci Oktri Viarani M, Eko Supriadi
Quality is a benchmark to determine the level of good and bad of a product. The level of quality of a product will affect customer satisfaction, hence, to produce high quality products, it is necessary for a company to have a quality control process. Quality control is a process that aims to maintain the quality of products and services that have been promised to consumers. In this study, quality control is carried out in the sugar packaging process. Where in the sugar packaging process found the resulting product has a poor quality, defective and not in accordance with specifications. This study uses the Statistical Process Control (SPC) method which aims to determine the causes of defective products with the intention that the packaging process can further minimize the level of product defects. The SPC method is a statistical analysis technique with seven statistical tools or seven tools. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the cause of product damage / defects in the product packaging process is caused by three types of damage namely damage due to conveyor (38.17%), damage due to machine pinched (35.82%), and damage due to loose seams (26,00%) This type of damage can be caused by human error and other factors such as engine condition, engine cleanliness and the monitoring process. Proposed improvements recommended for the company are to provide training to employees, make clear work instructions, conduct periodic maintenance for the machines used, supervise all work areas, and carry out quality control for every acceptance of raw materials.
Quality, Packaging, Seven Tools, Statistical Process Control
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