Peramalan Penjualan Olein Curah di Perusahaan Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Double Moving Average

Nurike Oktavia, Alya Agustina, Ridha Luthvina


Bulk olein is one of the products produced by Palm Oil Processing Company. Bulk cooking oil controls 75 percent of the production market share in Indonesia and about 77.5 percent of households in Indonesia use bulk cooking oil because the price is cheaper than packaged cooking oil. Demand for olein in the future is predicted to be continued to increase, so it is necessary to estimate future sales so that production activities become more effective and efficient. The method used in this study is the double moving average (DMA), which is one of the forecasting methods with data that has a trend. The calculation will be done by comparing the result of 3 moving, 4 moving and 5 moving. Forecasting error is calculated using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The calculation results show that the average MAPE from DMA with 5 moving has the smallest value. To verify these results, an analysis of the processed data was carried out, namely looking for data with the furthest distance from the linear line, namely t3 data and t7 data. The data is omitted in data processing and then the MAPE error value is recalculated. The results obtained are that DMA with 3 moving results have the smallest error, which is 11.863 percent. For this reason, the chosen forecasting calculation is a double moving average with 3 moving.


Demand Planning, Forecasting, Olein

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