Decision Support System Menggunakan Analytic Hierarchy Process dan Analytical Network Process Pada Pemilihan Supplier Bahan Baku

Isra Mouludi, Muthia Ramdhanti, Firdaus Jamsan


This study aims to determine the best supplier for the selection of raw materials for NPK fertilizer based on three suppliers as an alternative in making supplier selection decisions with 4 criteria (price, quality, service, and delivery) and sub-criteria that have been determined and then arranged into a hierarchical structure. The use of Super Decision software which contains analytical capabilities from AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) can analyze priority and selectability levels by prioritizing the weight of each criterion against other criteria. the most influential in the selection of suppliers of raw materials for NPK fertilizer with the first priority being the quality criteria, the second priority being the price criteria, the third priority being the delivery criteria and the fourth priority being the service, based on the criteria and sub-criteria in the supplier selection being the main priority, supplier PT.A with the highest weight value 0.56492.


AHP, ANP, Creteria, Supplier, Super Decision

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